Signia Styletto

Signia Pure Charge & Go

Starkey Livio ITC

Starkey Livio RIC

If you think you have hearing loss, you should book a hearing assessment. After the test, you will be advised whether or not a hearing aid might suit you. This recommendation will take into account the results of your test, as well as a discussion regarding your lifestyle and impact that the loss is having on your communication. Not everyone with a hearing loss will need or want to use a hearing aid.
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that improves your ability to hear the sounds that your hearing test has identified you don’t hear as well. Modern hearing aids are sophisticated devices, however they still are essentially a microphone (usually two), a digital amplifier, a battery and a loudspeaker.
The amplifier in digital hearing aids acts as a computerised brain. It processes the sound picked up by the microphones, enhances the speech signals over background noise and corrects for hearing loss before it sends it to the receiver and into your ears.
Some hearing aids have inbuilt connectivity to mobile phones and to televisions through Bluetooth technology.
There are several types of hearing aids. They are broadly categorised into behind the ear hearing aids and in the ear hearing aids. Both types can be discrete and comfortable, regardless of price.
With modern hearing aids there are many similar features available in behind the ear and in the ear devices. Both styles have models with directional microphones, Bluetooth and rechargeable batteries. There are some general differences between the styles, however there is no one solution that is best for everyone.
Behind the ear hearing aids typically need fewer repairs than the in the ear variety or receive in canal variety. These also do not come into contact with as much moisture and earwax as much as in the ear hearing aids.
Some Behind the ear hearing aids can be slightly larger than the other types of hearing aids on offer. This can make them easier to control, especially for those who might have issues handling small objects. There are also more rechargeable Behind the ear rechargeable models.
Behind the ear hearing aids are able to fit a wide variety of hearing losses, from very mild to profound.
These types of aids are used for mild to severe hearing loss and they are fitted to sit entirely in the ear.
These types of aids are also used for people with mild to severe hearing loss. They are generally smaller than the behind the ear models and are a popular style for first time wearers
These types of aids sit behind or on the top of the outer ear and are the most commonly worn hearing aid in the world. They can asist with nearly all types of hearing loss, making them one of the most versatile products available.
The Australian Government Office of Hearing Services Program offers eligible pensioners and veterans fully or partially subsidised hearing assessments and hearing aids.
Phone: 03 6334 7334
Email: info@earclinic.com.au
Permanent Clinic: 194-196 Cimitiere St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia